The Gorilla Position

The Gorilla Position #3: Free The Television Title

Gordon Solie’s strong monotone voice reaches out to me from the days of wrestling yore. I can hear him say, “the match has turned into a donnybrook,” and his face is slowly becoming a crimson mask. Then play-by-play concentrated on mat work and told a wrestling story, not a WWE story. These days make me harp back to a time when a belt meant something. The belt matches gave you good, short matches with a great storyline. That belt was the Television Title…

The Gorilla Position

The Gorilla Position #2: Execute ECW

The blasting of ECW is about as easy a quail hunting Dick Cheney style. It truly is a cluster bomb. So I try to watch it and pretend that someone has a gun to my head and is threatening me so that if I change the channel, a bullet will go through my skull. Like watching a snuff film, my stomach starts to turn, and I feel dirty. So I turn the channel and accept my fate…

The Gorilla Position

The Gorilla Position #1

“I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen,” stated by Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) when he lost his girlfriend (Ione Skye) in “Say Anything.” This is where I find myself in wrestling at many times throughout my life…