The Rising Sun

TRS: History of New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) – Part Two

Part two as promised of the history of New Japan Pro Wrestling and this time a look into the years that where amongst the most crazy, turbulent and damaging to any company in Japanese wrestling history…

The Rising Sun

TRS: History of New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) – Part One

Right last time I looked at Pro Wrestling NOAH and this time I am going to look at another promotion… it was going to be Dragon’s Gate but their history is sort of wavy and up and down and well… odd. So I decided to take the easy route as I am a bit under the weather and do NJPW or New Japan Pro Wrestling to those who don’t want to try and guess what those letters mean…

The Rising Sun

TRS: Pro Wrestling NOAH

I know I said last time that I would look at the overall structure of Puro and look at all the organisations histories and all but then I thought why go and blow it all in one piece? Why not just break it down and do it one by one and make it just that bit easier for the reader, afterall I’m doing it for them and not me…

The Rising Sun

TRS: An Introduction to Puroresu

So 1951 was the year it truly all began in Japan, properly at least with the rise of a Korean, billed as a Japanese Sumo champion who with a fistful of Yakuza money and the backing of several “businessmen” took the sport from a cult to a national passion…

The Rising Sun

TRS: The shape of puro

Hey puro-heads, long time no see… It’s been a weird few months over in the land of the rising sun what with legal action, take-overs, buy outs, new champions and such and I thought I’d give you a brief on each company and where it may go from here…

The Rising Sun

TRS: The Pain Killed In The East?

Right then Puro-heads… After last week and the talk of NJPW’s future something big has happened… Several things in fact…

The Rising Sun


Well since I last wrote about NJPW a hell of a lot has happened… a hell of a lot! Lets see… Kojima and Tenzan was being built up for a four crown match and it happened with Kojima becoming perhaps the only man who will ever hold that honour…

The Rising Sun

TRS: The Future of NOAH

Christ it’s been a long time hasn’t it guys? January I believe was the last time I could get to my keyboard and feel inspired to write something about the glorious world of Puroresu. Well I’m back and I want to make this a more regular thing once more. And the place I aim to start this week? Pro-Wrestling NOAH…

The Rising Sun

TRS: That was the year that was

Welcome again Puro fans to the first Rising Sun of 2005, a very happy (and belated) new year to all! Now seen as it’s the turn of the year its time to look back over the past year and then forward to 2005 to see what the future holds for pro-wrestling in Japan…

The Rising Sun

TRS: The death of Zero One

Welcome again Puro-heads to another edition of the Rising Sun. This time is my sad duty to inform you of the upcoming closure of the self proclaimed ‘Biggest Indy’ in Japanese wrestling, Zero One…